High-foaming cleaning acid
A retentive, high-foaming acid detergent that ensures that the cleaning solution effectively penetrates, disperses, and suspends soils for optimal cleaning results. Created with raw food manufacturers in mind, Shine HF Plus is a non-volatile and miscible with water in all proportions. Shine HF Plus was designed to be non-corrosive to stainless steel processing equipment at recommended use dilutions, ensuring equipment longevity.
Rapid removal
Shine HF Plus rapidly removes milkstone, soils, and mineral films. Its formulation helps prevent lime and other mineral deposits when used alternately with an alkaline cleaner. This ensures that your equipment remains free from any buildup.
Stable hot or cold
Shine HF Plus is free-rinsing and stable in hot or cold water, making it highly versatile and suitable for use in a range of settings. Its non-fuming formulation ensures optimal hygiene standards while keeping your workplace safe.